Rugged, often barren but always dramatic, North Dakota's badlands won over President Roosevelt in the late 19th century and continue to woo nature enthusiasts now as part of Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
The Summit Trail, at 4 miles long, links the CCC Campground with the Summit Campground on the McKenzie Ranger District.
Additional Details:
The trails are closed to all motorized vehicles.
Bicycles are not allowed on the Maah Daah Hey trail as it passes through Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The Buffalo Gap Trail is an alternative route around the park boundary for cyclists.
Camping is prohibited on private and state land.
Close any gates that you open.
Stock users must use weed seed free hay or feed in order to reduce the risk of exotic/noxious plant introduction.
Artifacts and other cultural features are protected by Federal Law. DO NOT COLLECT OR DISTURB.
Pack out all trash and other materials. Burying trash is prohibited.
Do NOT wash dishes or use detergents in water sources.
For proper sanitation make toilets in a shallow hole 200 feet or more from camp, water sources, and trail.
For your safety, DO NOT APPROACH OIL AND GAS FACILITIES; poison gases may be present.
Users must stay on the trail when crossing private and state land.
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