North Dakota Map

Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge

Contact Info
Fish and Wildlife Service
221 2nd Street West
Devils Lake, ND 58301



Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is located in Ramsey and Towner Counties near the former town of Church's Ferry, North Dakota. Long recognized as a major waterfowl concentration point during spring and fall migrations, Lake Alice NWR also supports significant numbers of nesting waterfowl. Hundreds of thousands of snow geese, Canada geese, and a variety of duck species use the lake and surrounding lands each year. The Refuge was first established in 1935 as an easement refuge. Lands within the Refuge were privately owned, and no hunting was allowed. In 1972, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service purchased 8,600 acres of the original easement refuge. The Service now manages 12,179 acres at Lake Alice NWR. Currently, high water conditions in the area are impacting the Refuge. Lake Alice NWR is managed for waterfowl production, and for protection and improvement of wetland and wildlife habitat. The Refuge supports large numbers of wading and marsh birds. Many colonial nesting waterbirds including terns, grebes, gulls, egrets, and herons breed at Lake Alice NWR.

Map + Directions

Basic Directions

Lake Alice NWR is administered from the Devils Lake Wetland Management District Office located in Devils Lake, North Dakota, and is located about 15 miles northwest of Devils Lake. From the intersection of U.S. Highway 2 and North Dakota Highway 20 in Devils Lake, go 17 miles north to Ramsey County Road 10. On Ramsey County Road 10, go 7 miles west, 1 mile north, and 2 miles west to reach the north side of the Refuge. To reach the south side of the Refuge, from the intersection of U.S. Highway 2 and North Dakota Highway 20 in Devils Lake, go 12 miles northwest to the town of Penn. Go north 7 miles on the township road.

Customizable Directions

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